February 25, 2004

Down to the Line -- Day 8 Scores

Day 8 is the home stretch to the finish of the Alcan Winter Rally. There were only two timed sections today and there will be two tomorrow. Compared with the early days of the rally there is little opportunity to regain losses. But the chance still exists to make your score way worse.

At this point, going in to day 9, TeamD stands as follows: Eric and Steve in BMW 325iX #7 are 2nd in class I and 5th overall. Jim and Dan in their Subaru WRX are 3rd in class I and 8th overall. Rob and Nick driving the Mazda 323 GTX are 3rd in class III and 9th overall. Wish us luck on Day 9, the final day of the Alcan Winter Rally.

Full scores and a little more discussion follows...

There is tight contention between car #1 and car #3 for first overall. For third through sixth places it is still very, very tight--those cars are spread over four points.

 1.   Car #1   Ahearns, Schneider, Webb (class II) with 34.6 points
 2.   Car #3   Carlson, Joy, Kraushaar (class II) with 41 points
 3.   Car #4   Eklund, Rounds, Reid, (class III) 67.2 points
 4.   Car #10 Wallace, Hightower, Carozza, (class I) 68.3 points
 5.   Car #7   Horst, Willey (class I) with 72.4 points
 6.   Car #2   Kraushaar, Engstrom, Richardson, (class II) 72.7 points
 7.   Car #8   Bornhop, Kott, (class III) 209 points
 8.   Car #11 Hogan, Comden with (class I) 372.1 points
 9.   Car #6   Dunn, Marcuse, (class III) 234.5 points
10.  Car #9   Wright, Fuhrman, (class II) 688 points
11.  Car #16 Brown, Morris, (class I) 372.1 points
12.  Car #12 Miller, Duchene, Wood (class II) with 926 points
13.  Car #14 Weaver, Weaver, (class III) 945.3 points
14.  Car #5   Elder, Elder, (class III) 1053 points
15.  Car #13 Gilland, Boyd (class II) with 1392 points
16.  Car #15 von Richthofen, Touring Class

Car #12 was damaged and then damaged worse by a tow truck operator leaving it unreparable in Whitehorse, Yukon.

Car #13 rolled over off the road and returned to the road briefly before having it's engine seize up due to complications from the roll. It is going to stay in Carmacks, Yukon until summer when Gilland and Boyd make another vacation of coming up to repair and drive it home.

Posted by erich at February 25, 2004 11:52 PM
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