Thanks Alcan Fans and TeamD Loyals!
Some people might think that rising at 6AM on a Sunday morning to start a rally is crazy. I’m here to tell you that the crazy ones are the Alcan Rally fans, supporters, and families that got up early today to come out to see us off. Our TeamD hats are off you all of you!
Let me also give a special thanks to all the loyal TeamD fans. Ken Lingbloom also reports that the Bellingham paper may be printing a feature on the event.
February 18th, 2008 at 12:10 pm
How can I send you a few pixs from the start of your BIG ADVENTURE?
February 18th, 2008 at 9:03 pm
It was good fun to watch everyone “take off”. Blake and Ryan loved it, they already ask where you are!!!
We will be watching from way down south!!
Go Team D!!