Video: Tuk ice road part 2
From the village of Tuktoyaktuk back down the ice road to Inuvik and then to Eagle Plains. A stop along the way for some donuts and a snowbank encounter (doh!).
From the village of Tuktoyaktuk back down the ice road to Inuvik and then to Eagle Plains. A stop along the way for some donuts and a snowbank encounter (doh!).
This TeamD Google Earth flyover shows an approximation of our Alcan Winter Rally route.
The Alcan Winter Rally rolls around every four years and I get to talking to friends, will give you some key info about our most critical of equipment,
To prepare for the trip north, we got some seat-time in a skid-car. Prodrive held a class last Friday at PIR for local AlCan participants, 11 in all. It involved about 15 minutes of classroom instruction followed by a couple-three of hours instruction over 2 courses in the skid-car plus a little competition between 2 teams. Added bonus: it was a gray rainy day in Portland. The course was wet. Team Subie/D had only 1 spinner. Who was that (Hint: initials are PE)? All in all, the training was invaluable and fun.
Busy weekend at the TeamD garage. We still have a bit of work to get the Saab on the road. Center console and related accessory wiring, connect the shifter to the transmission, install that not-broken shock, and then it’s time to get the car smogged and registered.