The Last Word


Our award-winning live coverage of the Alcan Winter Rally has drawn to a close. Before, during and after the rally TeamD filled this RallyLog with updates from the road, pictures, stories and our unique personalities. Now that the rally is over you can use the navigation links on the left side of this page to read and relive the excitement by day (Entries By Day) or by your favorite author (Entries By Author).

TeamD truly appreciates the support and feedback we received during our 2004 Alcan Winter Rally effort and RallyLog event coverage. Surviving the Alcan was a rich experience and the fact that we were able to entertain and inform so many along the way was an unexpected bonus. Your kind words and wishes sent back to us were sincerely received. We’ll see you all again in 2008 when TeamD once again takes on the Alcan Winter Rally.

More Photos


More photos from Dan’s camera. These are shots from Day 8 (Ice Hotel), Day 9 (Big Lake Slalom and the awards) as well as some nice pics from the dash home.

Right now I’m hosting the pics on my web site. Perhaps we’ll consolidate them here soon. For now you can find them at

Revised Final Scores


Final, final scores have been posted on the official Alcan Winter Rally website. There were rumors at the awards ceremony in Anchorage of a tiny math error in the calculation of the scores for the last day of the rally. Now that the hardworking scoring team has had a chance to drive themselves home to California they have corrected these errors and posted the final version.

Scores for a number of cars (2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 9, 10, 16) were corrected, mostly for the better. Only one correction affected overall finish position–TeamD car #7 edged out Challenge Driving car #2 by 0.3 points for the fifth place title.

Full scores are available below or on the Alcan Winter Rally website.

Read the rest of this entry »

Day 9 Pictures


Day nine pictures

Day 8 Pictures


Day eight pictures