Day 4 Pictures
After three and a half rally days of temperatures around 40F the cold Alcan Rally weather finally arrived today. We have ice and snow at 3 degrees farhenheit and fresh scores on hand! Today we had only one TSD section and our second ice race but changes were dramatic. First, the TeamD news of course…
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Moving further into the Yukon, we are now in the town of Dawson City, site of the big gold rush in the late 1800’s.
Started the day with a short TSD outside of Whitehorse, then off to a new location for a slalom on a lake outside of town. The event on the Yukon was cancelled due to lack of freezure. (is that a word). Anyway, the ice on Fish Lake was quite froze, and very very slippy. Imagine an ice rink after it’s been zamboni’ed and you’ll have an idea.
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