Unexpected bonus
Monday, July 28th, 2008I began chasing down a longstanding annoyance on the BMW Sunday, and the trail went down Alice’s rabbit hole. Haven’t driven it yet, but I expect the slightly vague on-center feel to be gone as well.
I began chasing down a longstanding annoyance on the BMW Sunday, and the trail went down Alice’s rabbit hole. Haven’t driven it yet, but I expect the slightly vague on-center feel to be gone as well.
We arrived in Portland on a beautiful Spring-like day. Pulled the car to a stop, finally, in front of the house, and slowly uncoiled ourselves from those form-fitting seats. I’m not afraid to admit that she and I are from different generations, and I confess I missed the cultural wave that brought new meaning to “random”, so I’m not exactly sure what she meant. But it troubled me a bit because I caught a hint of the pejorative in the word.
We made it home to Portland. Edit by driver/mechanic: funny noises seem to have been loose valves.
The Buzz mascot has been through quite a lot — negative 40 temps in Dawson City in 2004, bugs, rain and sun in 2006, and another round of Alcan weirdness in 2008. Other Alcaners also captured moving pictures with modern technology. I challenge them all to produce it, whether they think it’s good or not.
Yes, should be arriving tomorrow and we look forward to hearing from them.