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Description of Curta Program:

Opening Stuff

Open line required by RPN; specifies version, # of variables, and name.

RPN.2.e+1 \Curta

Comments stating what the variables are for.

\ a - speed factor
\ b - accum dist
\ c - accum time
\ d - cents (60) or secs (100)
\ e - delta distance

Comments giving you a heads up and two of the functions.

\ X - set var
\ x - retrv var & push on stack

Function Definitions

\\ functions

Functions s and t convert between cents and seconds


Function h computes new time based on delta distance (e) and speed factor (a), adds it to the accumulated time (c) then saves the result as the new accumulated time (c).

\ new time - computes new time

Function i adds the delta distance (e) to the accumulated distance (b) and saves it as the new accumulated distance. 

\ updates accum. distance

m enables cents mode by saving 100 to units (d)

\ set cents

n enables seconds mode by saving 60 to units (d)

\ set secs

Function d retrieves the accumulated time value(b) and puts in on the top of the stack (TOS) then calls function x

\ Display - push accum. miles & time

Function retreives accumulated time (c) and converts it to hours and minutes instead of just minutes

\ mmm.xx -> hhmm.xx

Function y converts between time in hours and minutes into minutes (and fractional minutes). 

\ hhmm.xx -> mmm.xx

Functions z is a safety to make sure you don't try to compute times without first setting a speed.

\ Verify speed is set
[z]0xa=0(D'Must set CAST|':);

Button Definitions

Functions z is a safety to make sure you don't try to compute times without first setting a speed.

\\ buttons


Functions z is a safety to make sure you don't try to compute times without first setting a speed.


\"CAST"0xd=0(D'Must set units|':0=0(D'speed must not be zero|':#'60'r2/Xaxa));

Functions z is a safety to make sure you don't try to compute times without first setting a speed.



"sp"0xa=0(D'speed not set|':#'60'xa/);


Functions z is a safety to make sure you don't try to compute times without first setting a speed.



"Clear"D'Clear (does not clear units)|yes|no|'c(d10Xa0Xb0Xc0Xexe:);


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Last modified: August 09, 2005
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